Career & Technology Education Center
Fall Mountain Regional High School
The Fall Mountain Career and Technology Education (CTE) Programs are designed to graduate students who are ready to enter the workforce with a competitive skill set or to continue on to certification programs, post secondary study, or the military. The curriculum in CTE courses is grounded in business and industry standards. In CTE programs, students learn through authentic, hands-on experiences and have the option of participating in community-based work sites to further enhance their skill set. Additionally, students may elect to complete industry-specific certification programs or enroll in college courses for dual credit.
All CTE programs offer articulation agreements for college credit with post-secondary institutions. An Articulation Agreement between Keene State College (KSC) and FMRHS Career and Technology Education Center (CTE) has been granted. The agreement states that students who successfully complete a CTE program with an average grade of “B” or better will be awarded up to eight KSC credits. Running Start credits or other dual enrollment coursework associated with the students’ CTE program will be subtracted from the eight credits of KSC articulated credit. There is no charge for the KSC college credits.
The Fall Mountain CTE programs are designed around a semester platform which allows flexibility for students to complete a CTE program over multiple school years. For example, students may participate in 2 consecutive semesters (2 courses in the program) and then step out to take other requirements. Students are able to enroll in the other program courses as they are offered and their schedule allows. Students who complete the CTE course sequence are recognized as completers, receive recognition at graduation, and are awarded a Certificate of Competency.